Tabs Organizer

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 15,498
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 167
First Seen: January 19, 2023
Last Seen: July 2, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Tabs Organizer browser extension is being promoted as an ad blocker, but a closer look reveals that it is adware. This intrusive software is presented to users as a convenient tool that will help them optimize their browser tabs, bookmarks, and history navigation, but its true purpose appears to be the delivery of intrusive adverytisements.

What to Expect of Adware Like the Tabs Organizer?

Adware is a type of software that runs intrusive advertisement campaigns, displaying advertisements on websites and other interfaces. These avertisements can be used to push dubious software, numerous tactics, and, in some cases, even malware onto the devices of unsuspecting users. Clicking on generated advertisements may result in stealthy downloads or installations. It is highly unlikely that any legitimate content found through these advrtisements is featured there with the support of the original developers. Instead, it is more likely that frudsters are taking advantage of affiliate programs to gain illegitimate commissions.

Furthermore, these browser extensions and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) are notorious for often being able to spy on users' browsing activity. This includes collecting information, such as browsing and search engine histories, bookmarks, etc. Some PUPs also may expand the range of data they collect to include personal details, account log-in credentials, financial data and more. This data can then be shared with or sold to third parties by the operators of the specific PUP.

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