Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 1,759
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 295
First Seen: April 14, 2024
Last Seen: May 22, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Upon examining, cybersecurity specialists found it to be a deceptive website designed to lure visitors into granting permission to send notifications. Apart from its deceptive content, is also suspected of initiating forced redirects, directing users to other dubious websites. Therefore, it is advisable for users to avoid trusting and other similar rogue sites. Greets Visitors by Showing Misleading and Clickbait Messages

Upon landing on, visitors encounter a deceptive message accompanied by an image of robots, coaxing them to click the 'Allow' button to confirm they are not robots, akin to completing a CAPTCHA. However, unbeknownst to users, this action grants the website permission to send notifications.

Once permission is granted, starts bombarding users with various deceptive notifications containing false alerts, dubious investment opportunities, misleading offers and similar themes. Opening these notifications can lead users to Web pages specifically designed to extract sensitive information such as credit card details, passwords, identification card information or other personal data.

Furthermore, engaging with notifications from can direct users to pages hosting online tactics, aiming to coerce them into contacting fraudsters, downloading malware, providing remote access to their computers, making payments for fake services or products, and so forth. Additionally, users may inadvertently install browser hijackers, adware or other undesirable software.

Moreover, may also redirect visitors to similar fraudulent Web pages. For instance, researchers have noted instances of redirection to, another deceptive site seeking permission to deliver notifications. Consequently, neither nor can be deemed trustworthy, warranting caution and avoidance by users.

How to Recognize Fake CAPTCHA Verifications on Rogue Websites?

Recognizing fake CAPTCHA verifications on rogue websites demands a keen eye for attributes and an understanding of common tactics used by fraud-related actors. Here are some tips to help users identify fake CAPTCHA verifications:

  • Unusual Requests: Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically involve tasks like identifying objects in images or typing out distorted text. If the CAPTCHA asks for unusual actions, such as clicking on specific buttons or downloading files, it could be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA.
  • Grammatical Errors or Poor Design: Fake CAPTCHAs often contain spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or have a poorly designed interface. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually professionally designed and free of such errors.
  • Unexpected Pop-ups or Redirects: If the CAPTCHA verification process leads to unexpected pop-ups or redirects to other websites, it's likely a fraudulent attempt to trick users into taking unwanted actions.
  • Excessive Pressure to Act Quickly: Fake CAPTCHAs may create a sense of urgency by urging users to complete the verification quickly or face the consequences. Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically don't pressure users in this way.
  • Check the Website URL: Before interacting with any CAPTCHA, verify that you're on a legitimate website by checking the URL. Rogue websites often mimic the appearance of well-known sites but have slightly altered URLs.
  • Verify the Purpose of CAPTCHA: Think critically about why a CAPTCHA is required. If the website doesn't involve any user interaction or form submissions, there's no legitimate reason for a CAPTCHA prompt.
  • Research the Website: Conduct a quick online search to see if there are any reports of the website engaging in deceptive practices or if other users have encountered fake CAPTCHAs on the site.
  • Use Security Software: Install reputable security software or browser extensions that can help reveal and block unsafe websites, including those employing fake CAPTCHA verifications.

By staying vigilant and being cautious when encountering CAPTCHA prompts, users can better protect themselves from falling victim to scams or malware distributed through rogue websites.

URLs may call the following URLs:


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