
Cybersecurity researchers have conducted an examination of Jirin.app, revealing that it functions as intrusive adware. The primary purpose of this application is to deliver unwanted and potentially misleading advertisements to users, thereby generating revenue for its developers. Due to its disruptive nature, it is advisable to uninstall Jirin.app from any affected devices. Additionally, it has been confirmed that Jirin.app is part of the Pirrit adware family, which is known for its aggressive advertising tactics.

Jirin.app May Expose Users to Serious Privacy and Security Concerns

Jirin.app generates various forms of advertisements, including pop-ups, coupons, banners, and more, designed to promote websites, products, and services. However, numerous security vendors classify Jirin.app as unsafe. Consequently, the advertisements it displays are likely to direct users to potentially malicious Web pages.

These ads may lead to websites hosting malware or other unwanted software, such as browser hijackers. They can also promote technical support scams intended to deceive users into paying for fake services, providing sensitive information, executing malware, granting remote access to scammers or taking other harmful actions.

Moreover, users could be directed to phishing sites aimed at harvesting login credentials, credit card information, or other sensitive details. Advertisements from Jirin.app might also link to fake lotteries, surveys, investment offers, and similar schemes. Some advertisements may even initiate unwanted downloads and installations.

Therefore, advertisements from Jirin.app and similar programs should not be trusted. Beyond delivering deceptive ads, Jirin.app may also collect browsing-related and other personal information. This can include details about visited websites, browsing habits, device information, IP addresses, names, email addresses and even more sensitive data.

PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) Aim to Get Installed Stealthily on Users’ Devices

PUPs use a variety of stealthy techniques to get installed on users' devices without their explicit consent. Here are some of the common methods they employ:

  • Bundling with Free Software: PUPs are often bundled with free software that users download from third-party websites. During the installation process of the desired software, additional programs (PUPs) are pre-selected for installation. Users might overlook these additional installations because they are often hidden within 'Custom' or 'Advanced' settings rather than the default installation path.
  • Deceptive Installation Prompts: Installation wizards for legitimate software might include deceptive prompts that mislead users into installing PUPs. These prompts are designed to look like necessary steps or critical updates, causing users to agree to the installation of unwanted programs unintentionally.
  • Fake Software Updates: Users might encounter alerts or notifications claiming that their software, such as a web browser or media player, needs an urgent update. These fake updates often come from untrustworthy sources and, when executed, install PUPs instead of genuine updates.
  • Misleading Advertisements and Pop-Ups: Users may click on misleading advertisements or pop-ups that appear to offer useful software or important alerts. These ads often claim to fix system issues or enhance performance, but they actually lead to the download of PUPs.
  • Social Engineering: PUP distributors use social engineering tactics, such as phishing emails and fake technical support calls, to trick users into downloading and installing unwanted programs. These tactics prey on users' trust and sense of urgency, making them more likely to follow malicious instructions.
  • Compromised Repositories and Websites: Even trusted software repositories can sometimes be compromised or unknowingly host software bundles that include PUPs. Users who trust these sources may end up installing unwanted programs along with their desired software.
  • Pre-Checked Installation Options: During software installation, additional PUPs are often pre-checked by default. Users who quickly proceed through the installation process without carefully reading each step may inadvertently install these additional programs.

By employing these techniques, PUPs manage to infiltrate users' devices with minimal detection. This highlights the importance of cautious online behavior, including downloading software from reputable sources, carefully reading installation prompts, and regularly scanning systems for unwanted programs.

Jirin.app Video

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