Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 5,398
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 68
First Seen: May 8, 2024
Last Seen: May 14, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Cybersecurity researchers came across the Web page during an investigation into suspicious websites. This particular site operates as a rogue Web page, promoting browser notification spam and frequently redirecting users to other potentially untrustworthy or dubious sites. Typically, users land on pages like through redirects initiated by websites that employ rogue advertising networks. Greets Visitors with Misleading and Clickbait Messages

The content encountered on rogue sites can vary depending on factors such as the visitor's IP address or geolocation.

During their investigation of, experts encountered a Web page featuring an image of a purple robot alongside text instructing users to 'Click Allow if you are not a robot.' Contrary to typical CAPTCHA verification, clicking this button does not confirm human identity but instead grants permission for to send browser notifications.

Rogue websites leverage these notifications to conduct intrusive advertising campaigns. These advertisements often promote online tactics, unreliable or hazardous software and even malware. Consequently, users visiting sites like may be exposed to system infections, serious privacy breaches, financial losses and identity theft.

Warnings Signs that You might be Dealing with a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Recognizing fake CAPTCHA checks is crucial in identifying potentially fraudulent websites. Several typical warning signs that users might be dealing with a fake CAPTCHA are:

  • Minimal or Absent Verification Process: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks typically involve some form of interactive challenge to confirm human identity, such as identifying objects in images or solving puzzles. If the supposed CAPTCHA verification process consists of a simple click on a button labeled 'I'm not a robot' without any further interaction, it could be a fake.
  • Immediate Redirect or Action Upon Clicking: Fake CAPTCHA prompts often immediately trigger actions upon clicking the verification button, such as granting browser notifications or initiating downloads. Legitimate CAPTCHAs usually require the completion of a task before any further action is taken.
  • Unusual or Unrelated Content: Fake CAPTCHA screens may display strange or unrelated content alongside the verification prompt, such as unusual graphics, irrelevant text or misspellings. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are typically straightforward and professionally presented.
  • Pressure Tactics or Urgency: Fake CAPTCHA prompts may use urgent language or pressure tactics to convince users to click the verification button quickly. Phrases like 'Click Allow to continue' or 'Verify now to access content' can be indicators of a deceptive prompt.
  • Unexpected Browser Notifications or Pop-ups: After clicking a supposed CAPTCHA verification button, if users start receiving unexpected browser notifications or pop-ups promoting advertisements or questionable content, it is likely that the CAPTCHA was fake.
  • No Verification Symbol or Branding: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks often include recognizable symbols or branding from established services like Google reCAPTCHA. If there are no such indicators or if the symbols appear altered or unfamiliar, it could indicate a fake CAPTCHA.

Overall, users should exercise caution and closely examine any CAPTCHA-like prompts encountered on websites. When in doubt, it's advisable to refrain from interacting with suspicious prompts and to use security software to protect against potential threats from deceptive websites.

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