Threat Database Ransomware Abyss Ransomware

Abyss Ransomware

Abyss is a type of ransomware that operates by encrypting files and adding the '.Abyss' extension to their original filenames. In addition to this encryption process, the Abyss Ransomware deposits a 'WhatHappened.txt' file, which serves as a ransom note. To illustrate how Abyss alters filenames, it transforms files such as '1.png' into '1.png.Abyss' and '2.pdf' into '2.pdf.Abyss.' It should be noted that the threat also changes the desktop background of the infected systems

The Devices Infected by the Abyss Ransomware are Subjected to Data Encryption

In the ransom communication, the attackers inform the targeted company that their servers have undergone encryption and all data has been transferred to the attackers' servers. The attackers outline potential resolutions, emphasizing key points: they possess the capability to restore the entire system, express a strictly financial motive, commit to not disclosing compromised information, express openness to negotiations, and assure complete confidentiality regarding the incident.

The victim is presented with two alternatives: the first involves seeking assistance from authorities, which is considered unconstructive due to potential operational disruptions, legal actions, and reputational damage. The second option entails engaging in negotiations with the attackers.

In the negotiation scenario, the victim is instructed to download the Tor Browser and use the provided credentials to access a chat platform for text-based negotiations. Successful negotiations pledge the complete decryption of the servers, ongoing support throughout the process, evidence of information deletion and a guarantee of non-disclosure.

The decryption of files compromised by ransomware is typically reliant on the involvement of the cybercriminals orchestrating the attack. These attackers possess the necessary decryption tools, and victims often find themselves unable to decrypt their files independently. It is crucial to emphasize that paying a ransom does not guarantee the provision of the decryption tool. Not all threat actors fulfill this promise after receiving payment, making it strongly advised against succumbing to ransom demands. Furthermore, taking prompt action to remove the ransomware from infected computers is imperative. Doing so not only mitigates the risk of further data loss but also helps safeguard data on connected local networks.

Essential Security Measures to Minimize the Chances of Malware Infections

Protecting your digital environment from ransomware and malware is a meaningful concern in today's interconnected world. Implementing robust security measures is crucial to minimize the risk of infections that could compromise the integrity and accessibility of your data. Here are five essential security measures to fortify your defenses against ransomware and malware threats:

Regular Data Backups: Regularly back up your critical data to an offline or cloud-based storage solution. This ensures that even if a ransomware attack occurs, you can restore your files without succumbing to extortion. Automated and scheduled backups enhance efficiency and reliability in safeguarding your information.

Up-to-date Software and Patch Management: Keep your applications, operating systems and software always updated with the latest security patches. Regularly applying patches helps close vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit to deploy ransomware and malware. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to streamline the patch management process.

Employee Training and Awareness: Train employees on cybersecurity best habits and raise awareness about the risks associated with phishing emails and unsafe links. Human error is a common entry point for malware, so fostering a security-conscious culture among staff members is vital. Regularly conduct simulated phishing exercises to reinforce vigilance.

Use of Robust Anti-Malware Solutions: Deploy reputable anti-malware software to provide real-time protection against known and emerging threats. These solutions can detect and neutralize malicious code before it wreaks havoc on your system. Ensure that the anti-malware software is regularly updated to recognize the latest malware signatures.

 Access Controls and Network Segmentation: Implement network segmentation to restrict unauthorized access within your infrastructure. By separating the network into isolated segments, you can restrain the spread of malware and limit potential damage. Implement the principle of minimal privilege, granting users only the permissions necessary for their roles, thereby minimizing the impact of a security breach.

By integrating these security measures into your overall cybersecurity strategy, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of ransomware and malware infections, fortifying your organization against evolving digital threats.

The ransom note dropped by Abyss Ransomware is:

'We are the Abyss.

Your company Servers are crypted and your data has been stolen to our servers.

Good news for you:

1) We can restore your entire system.
2) We are not interested in publishing your information.
3) Our motivation is purely financial.
4) We are open to negotiations.
5) We are ready to maintain complete confidentiality of this incident.

Let's explain the further steps in the situation:

You can seek help from authorities - unfortunately, this path will not lead to a constructive resolution of the situation.
They will not assist you with decryption, seize your servers for OPsec, and your company's operations will be halted.
Subsequently, the date will be disclosed, leading to fines, legal actions, and reputational damage.
You initiate negotiations with us, and we reach a mutually beneficial and constructive solution for both parties.
You pay a specified amount and receive the full decryption, support throughout the decryption process,
proofs that all information on our servers has been deleted, and a guarantee that it will never resurface,
ensuring no one learns about this incident.

To initiate negotiations, please download the Tor Browser using their official website: hxxps://
use these credentials to enter the Chat for text negotiation: hxxp://jqlcrn2fsfvxlngdq53rqyrwtwfrulup74xyle54bsvo3l2kgpeeijid.onion/x89yk54gGqjJ8ZAduh5dioahO1TXRA
There will be no bad news for your company after successful negotiations for both sides. But there will be plenty of those bad news if case of failed negotiations, so don’t think about how to avoid it.
Just focus on negotiations, payment and decryption to make all of your problems solved by our specialists within 1 day after payment received: servers and data restored, everything will work good as new.

To initiate negotiations, please download the Tor Browser using their official website: hxxps://
use these credentials to enter the Chat for text negotiation: hxxp://jqlcrn2fsfvxlngdq53rqyrwtwfrulup74xyle54bsvo3l2kgpeeijid.onion/x89yk54gGqjJ8ZAduh5dioahO1TXRA
There will be no bad news for your company after successful negotiations for both sides. But there will be plenty of those bad news if case of failed negotiations, so don’t think about how to avoid it.
Just focus on negotiations, payment and decryption to make all of your problems solved by our specialists within 1 day after payment received: servers and data restored, everything will work good as new.'

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