Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs CleanHub Tabs Browser Extension

CleanHub Tabs Browser Extension

The CleanHub Tabs is a browser extension that has been under scrutiny by information security experts who have investigated suspicious websites. This software is marketed as a tool designed to enhance the user experience by offering customization options for browser backgrounds. However, upon closer examination, researchers have determined that the CleanHub Tabs is, in fact, a browser hijacker.

Upon installation, the CleanHub Tabs alters browser settings with the intention of promoting the search engine through forced redirects. This illegitimate search engine is pushed onto users without their consent or awareness, hijacking their browsing experience and potentially exposing them to various security risks.

Browser Hijackers Like the CleanHub Tabs Take Over Important Browser Settings

The CleanHub Tabs alters various settings within users' Web browsers, including their homepages, default search engines and new tab pages. As a result of these modifications, users are directed to the Web page against their will. Despite its appearance as a search engine, this site is deemed fake because it fails to deliver genuine search results and instead redirects users to a legitimate Internet search site.

Researchers have noted that appears to source its search results from the Bing search engine. However, it's important to note that the Web page's redirection destinations may vary and be influenced by factors such as the user's geographic location.

Browser-hijacking software often employs tactics to maintain persistence by preventing users from accessing removal-related settings or reversing any changes they attempt to make.

Moreover, browser hijackers typically possess data-tracking capabilities, a feature that may also apply to the CleanHub Tabs. This software may collect various types of information, including visited URLs, viewed Web pages, search queries, Internet cookies, login credentials, personal details, financial data and more. This collected information could be sold to third parties or exploited for profit in other ways. Users are prompted to be cautious and take appropriate steps to safeguard their privacy and security when dealing with such software.

Browser Hijackers are Rarely Installed by Users Intentionally

Browser hijackers and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) are typically not intentionally installed by users due to the shady distribution techniques they employ. These programs often use deceptive tactics to infiltrate users' systems without their knowledge or consent. Here's how they achieve this:

  • Bundling with legitimate software: One common method used by browser hijackers and PUPs is to bundle themselves with legitimate software downloads. Users may inadvertently install the unwanted program while installing a desired application, as these additional programs are often hidden in the installation process, and opt-out options may not be clearly presented.
  •  Misleading advertisements: Another tactic is to use misleading advertisements that lure users into clicking on them, which leads to the automatic download and installation of unwanted software. These advertisements may promise free software or other enticing offers, but their true purpose is to distribute the browser hijacker or PUP.
  •  Fake updates and downloads: Browser hijackers and PUPs may also be distributed through fake software updates or downloads. Users may be prompted to download what appears to be a legitimate update for their browser or other software, only to end up installing unwanted programs instead.
  •  Phishing emails and websites: Some browser hijackers and PUPs are distributed through phishing emails or websites. Users may receive an email or visit a website that appears to be legitimate but contains links or attachments that lead to the installation of unwanted software when clicked.

Overall, browser hijackers and PUPs rely on deceptive and manipulative techniques to infiltrate users' systems, making it unlikely that users intentionally install them. Users should be cautious when downloading software, clicking on advertisements, or interacting with unfamiliar websites to avoid inadvertently installing unwanted programs on their devices.


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