Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Daily Quote Browser Extension

Daily Quote Browser Extension

Upon conducting a thorough examination, cybersecurity specialists have determined that the Daily Quote functions as a browser hijacker. Its primary purpose is to modify the settings of the hijacked browser to endorse a particular Web address. Furthermore, their investigation revealed that the Daily Quote may also attempt to gather and transmit diverse user data. Consequently, users are strongly advised to uninstall this extension from any affected browsers to mitigate potential risks.

The Daily Quote Browser Hijacker Takes Users to a Promoted Web Address

The Daily Quote operates as a browser hijacker by altering crucial settings within a Web browser, including the default search engine, homepage and new tab page. Specifically, this browser hijacker modifies these settings to direct users to Consequently, individuals who have the Daily Quote installed on their browsers are compelled to visit upon opening a browser, opening a new tab or initiating a search query.

Notably, when users input a search query on, they are redirected to Despite being a legitimate and trustworthy search engine, itself is fraudulent. It masquerades as a search engine through the mechanism of browser hijacking. Thus, users are advised to steer clear of

Fake search engines, like, are typically engineered to manipulate search results for the financial gain of their creators rather than furnishing users with genuine and relevant information. Moreover, they often engage in the unauthorized collection of sensitive user data, including browsing history and search queries, which may be exploited for targeted advertising or other malicious activities.

Furthermore, the promotion of fake search engines through browser hijackers can jeopardize users' online security by redirecting them to malicious websites or phishing pages, thereby exposing their personal and financial information to significant risks. Consequently, it is imperative to promptly remove both and Daily Quote from affected browsers to safeguard against potential threats.

Users Rarely Install PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Browser Hijackers Intentionally

PUPs and browser hijackers often rely on deceptive and shady distribution techniques to surreptitiously infiltrate users' devices without their explicit consent. These methods are used to exploit vulnerabilities in users' browsing habits and software systems. Here's how they typically operate:

  • Bundling: PUPs and browser hijackers are frequently bundled with legitimate software downloads or free applications. Users may inadvertently install these unwanted programs when they download and install software from untrusted or dubious sources without carefully reviewing the installation process. Often, the bundled software may not clearly disclose the presence of additional programs, or the disclosure may be buried within lengthy terms of service agreements that users tend to overlook.
  •  Malvertising: Malvertising involves the dissemination of fraudulent advertisements on legitimate websites. These ads may appear legitimate but contain hidden code that triggers automatic downloads or redirects users to fraudulent websites upon interaction. Users may inadvertently click on these advertisements, leading to the installation of PUPs or browser hijackers without their knowledge.
  •  Fake Updates: PUPs and browser hijackers may masquerade as legitimate software updates or security patches. Users may encounter pop-up messages or notifications prompting them to update their software, which, when clicked, actually initiate the download and installation of unwanted programs instead of legitimate updates.
  •  Social Engineering: Some PUPs and browser hijackers employ social engineering schemes to trick users into installing them voluntarily. This may involve misleading or deceptive messages that coerce users into taking actions such as clicking on links, downloading files or providing personal information under false pretenses.
  •  Freeware and Shareware Platforms: PUPs and browser hijackers often proliferate through freeware and shareware platforms, where users can download software for free or at a nominal cost. These platforms may host a plethora of software offerings, including potentially unwanted programs, without adequately vetting them for legitimacy or safety.

Overall, PUPs and browser hijackers rely on these underhanded distribution techniques to infiltrate users' devices stealthily and capitalize on users' inadvertent actions or lack of awareness. Therefore, users must exercise caution when downloading software, interacting with online advertisements, and browsing the Web to mitigate the risk of inadvertently installing unwanted programs.


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