Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Dictionary Ext Browser Extension

Dictionary Ext Browser Extension

After thoroughly investigating the Dictionary Ext application, cybersecurity researchers have established its identity as a browser hijacker. The operational behavior of the Dictionary Ext involves coercing users to visit a designated webpage by altering the settings of the compromised browser. Beyond this disruptive behavior, browser hijackers such as Dictionary Ext often engage in the unauthorized collection of various data types related to users' browsing activities and potentially other sensitive information.

The Dictionary Ext Takes Control of Multiple Web Browser Settings

Browser hijacking typically involves the unauthorized alteration of a user's default search engine, homepage, and new tab page, substituting them with a designated address, often a fraudulent search engine. In the case of the Dictionary Ext, although it redirects users to, a legitimate search engine owned by Microsoft, it still qualifies as a browser hijacker as it overrides user preferences. This interference compromises user autonomy by compelling them to use Bing for searches, potentially causing disruptions to their browsing experience.

It is crucial to emphasize that while the Dictionary Ext redirects to a legitimate search engine, many browser hijackers promote fake search engines that pose significant risks. Trusting these fraudulent search engines can lead to manipulated search results, intrusive advertisements, and unauthorized data collection, putting users at risk of malware exposure, phishing tactics and other cyber threats. The deceptive nature of these search engines can compromise user privacy and security.

Furthermore, beyond redirecting users, browser-hijacking applications such as Dictionary Ext may stealthily gather diverse types of user data, including browsing history, search queries, IP addresses and geolocation information. This collected data may be misused for targeted advertising, sold to third parties, or exploited for more unsafe activities like identity theft and fraud. Users should be vigilant against such browser hijackers to safeguard their online security and privacy.

Do Not Allow the Installation of PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Browser Hijackers on Your Devices

Preventing the installation PUPs and browser hijackers on your devices involves adopting proactive security measures and practicing safe online behaviors. Here are some effective steps to help users safeguard their devices:

  • Use Reputable Security Software: Install and regularly update reputable anti-malware software on your devices. Ensure that real-time scanning is active to detect and block potential threats.
  • Maintain Updated Your Software and Operating Systems: Regularly update your device's operating system and software applications to patch security vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates when available to ensure timely protection.
  •  Exercise Caution with Downloads: Only download software, applications and files from official and trusted sources. Avoid downloading from suspicious websites or third-party platforms, as they may host PUPs or unsafe content.
  •  Read Installation Prompts Carefully: Pay close attention to installation prompts when downloading software. Opt for custom or advanced installation settings to have more control over what is being installed, and uncheck any additional software bundled with the desired program.
  •  Avoid Accessing Suspicious Links: Be cautious when clicking on links, especially those embedded in emails, messages or pop-up advertisements. Avoid clicking on suspicious or unexpected links to prevent unintentional downloads.
  •  Be Watchful When Handlin Email Attachments: Exercise caution when opening email attachments, especially from unexpected senders. Verify the 
  •  Educate Yourself about PUPs and Browser Hijackers: Stay informed about common tactics PUPs and browser hijackers use. Understanding their methods can help you recognize potential threats and avoid falling victim to deceptive practices.

By following these proactive measures and practicing vigilance, users can significantly reduce the risk of installing PUPs and falling victim to browser hijackers, contributing to a more secure and resilient online experience.


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