Threat Database Rogue Websites Dymension Genesis Scam

Dymension Genesis Scam

Dymension ( is a legitimate platform designed to facilitate the deployment of app chains called RollApps, ensuring swift and efficient operations. However, the fraudsters have introduced a deceptive website that closely mimics the authentic service. The fraudulent site is strategically crafted to mislead unsuspecting users, aiming to perpetrate cryptocurrency theft. Individuals must exercise caution and verify the authenticity of the platform to prevent falling victim to fraudulent activities.

The Dymension Genesis Scam Seeks to Collect Cryptoassets from Victims

The tactic is propagated through the dissemination of fake news articles published on unofficial and unreliable websites, as well as posts on X (Twitter). These deceptive tactics are employed by fraudsters to lure unsuspecting individuals into visiting a series of counterfeit Dymension websites—specifically,, and

Upon arriving at these fraudulent Web pages, visitors are prompted to assess their eligibility for claiming free cryptocurrency. To determine eligibility, users are required to connect their crypto wallets, unwittingly granting approval to an unsafe contract that triggers a drainer. The drainer is intentionally designed to initiate the unauthorized transfer of cryptocurrency from the victim's wallet to the wallet controlled by the fraudsters.

Consequently, individuals who follow the instructions on any of the fake Dymension websites find themselves falling victim to cryptocurrency theft. Recovering the transferred cryptocurrency poses a significant challenge, as transactions within the cryptocurrency space are inherently irreversible. Once funds have been transferred, traditional avenues for retrieval are typically unavailable.

Given these risks, users are strongly advised to exercise caution by conducting thorough research, verifying the authenticity of platforms, utilizing secure wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and exercising vigilance against unsolicited offers or requests for personal information. Staying well-informed about common crypto frauds and maintaining a healthy level of skepticism are crucial practices to safeguard against falling prey to fraudulent activities in the cryptocurrency landscape.

Be Cautious about Schemes in the Crypto and NFT Sectors

Fraudsters tend to focus on the crypto and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) sectors for several reasons, driven by the unique characteristics and opportunities presented by these emerging technologies:

  • Lack of Regulation: The crypto and NFT sectors operate with relatively less regulatory oversight compared to traditional financial markets. The decentralized character of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies makes it challenging for authorities to enforce and implement regulations effectively. Scammers exploit this regulatory gap to carry out fraudulent activities with reduced fear of legal consequences.
  •  Anonymity and Irreversibility: Cryptocurrencies often provide a level of anonymity, making it difficult to trace and identify individuals involved in fraudulent activities. Additionally, crypto transactions are typically irreversible, meaning that once funds are sent, they cannot be easily recovered. Scammers take advantage of these characteristics, knowing that the chances of being identified or funds being reclaimed are lower.
  •  Hype and Speculation: The crypto and NFT markets are often characterized by high levels of hype and speculation. The potential for quick and substantial profits attracts both legitimate investors and fraudsters looking to exploit the enthusiasm surrounding these technologies. Fraudsters use deceptive tactics to create false narratives, promising unrealistic returns or exclusive opportunities to capitalize on this excitement.
  •  Innovation and Complexity: The innovative and complex nature of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs can create confusion among users. Fraudsters exploit this lack of understanding by creating fraudulent projects, wallets, or platforms that seem legitimate to the untrained eye. The intricate technical details and terminology may overwhelm individuals, making them more susceptible to deceptive schemes.
  •  Global Reach: Cryptocurrencies enable global transactions without the need for traditional banking infrastructure. This global reach provides scammers with the opportunity to target individuals worldwide, making it challenging for law enforcement agencies from different jurisdictions to coordinate efforts and combat fraudulent activities effectively.
  •  FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): The fright of eliminating potential profits often drives individuals to make impulsive investment decisions. Fraudsters capitalize on FOMO by creating a sense of urgency, offering exclusive deals or limited-time opportunities, leading individuals to bypass due diligence and invest without proper scrutiny.

To mitigate the risks associated with scams in the crypto and NFT sectors, it is crucial for users to prioritize education, conduct thorough research, remain vigilant against unsolicited offers, and adopt security measures such as secure wallets and two-factor authentication. Additionally, regulatory efforts and increased awareness within the community can come up with creating a safer environment for participants in these markets.


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