Threat Database Rogue Websites is a domain associated with a deceptive search engine promoted through redirects facilitated by the Gaming News Tab browser hijacker. This browser hijacker is presented as a convenient tool for accessing the latest gaming updates, reviews, and related news. Information security researchers encountered the promotional website of Gaming News Tab during an investigation into a torrenting site that utilizes illegitimate advertising networks. Replaces Crucial Browser Settings

Browser-hijacking software typically functions by altering browsers' default settings, including search engines, homepages, and new tab pages, redirecting users to specific promoted websites. This means that whenever users open a new tab or perform a search using the browser's URL bar, they are directed to the designated endorsed site.

In the case of the Gaming News Tab, users are redirected to This website masquerades as a search engine but lacks the capability to generate search results independently. Upon analysis, it was observed that this site ultimately directs users to the legitimate Bing search engine. However, it's important to note that the landing page might vary based on factors like user location.

It's worth mentioning that browser hijackers often employ tactics to control browsers persistently, such as blocking access to removal settings or reversing user modifications to prevent recovery of the original browser settings.

Moreover, software falling into this category often incorporates data-tracking functionalities, which may also be present in the Gaming News Tab browser extension. This tracking can include logging visited URLs, viewed pages, search queries, cookies, login credentials, personal details, financial information and more. The harvested data can be sold to third parties or used for profit through other means.

PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Browser Hijackers Hide Their Installations via Questionable Distribution Tactics

PUPs and browser hijackers commonly employ various deceptive distribution tactics to conceal their installations and evade detection. These tactics are designed to trick users into unknowingly installing unwanted software. Here are some ways PUPs and browser hijackers attempt to hide their installations:

  • Bundling with Freeware: One of the most prevalent methods is bundling the PUP or browser hijacker with legitimate free software that users commonly download from the internet. During the installation process of the desired software, users might overlook additional checkboxes or prompts that authorize the installation of the unwanted program.
  • Misleading Installation Wizards: PUPs often use misleading installation wizards that obscure the details of what is being installed. They might use confusing wording, hide important information in fine print, or employ deceptive button placements to trick users into agreeing to install the unwanted software.
  • Fake Updates and Downloads: PUPs and browser hijackers may also be distributed through fake software update alerts or misleading download links on websites. Users searching for legitimate software updates or downloads might inadvertently click on these deceptive links, thinking they are getting genuine updates or software, only to end up installing unwanted programs.
  • Phony System Alerts: Another tactic involves displaying fake system alerts or warnings that claim the user's system is infected and that they need to download and install a specific program to clean their system. In reality, these alerts are designed to trick users into installing PUPs or browser hijackers.
  • Malvertising: PUPs and browser hijackers can also be distributed through malicious advertising (malvertising) campaigns. Malvertisements appear as legitimate ads on websites but lead users to download and install unwanted software when clicked.
  • Social Engineering Techniques: Some PUPs use social engineering techniques such as fake surveys, contests, or giveaways to convince users into downloading and installing their software. These tactics exploit users' curiosity or desire for freebies to trick them into installing unwanted programs.

To protect against these tactics, users should always download software from reputable sources, carefully read installation prompts, avoid clicking on suspicious links or ads, keep their software and operating system updated, and use reputable anti-malware software to uncover and remove unwanted programs.

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