Issue How to Block Websites on Mac

How to Block Websites on Mac

Blocking websites on your Mac is a great way to help you focus while you work. It’s also a great way to help you avoid distractions. If you’re working on a project, you may want to block other websites so you don’t get distracted by other content. This will work for almost any website, but there are a few options that may be most useful. Here is a list of the sites that Apple blocks, along with the links to their websites. Here’s what you can do with Safari browser extensions to help you do this:

  • Better Privacy in Safari: This extension blocks ads and trackers within the browser. It’s free. Chrome Security+: This extension blocks tracking by default, and also gives you a few other useful features like accidental close, a store that lets you label ads, and a history block button. It’s Chrome only at the moment.
  • Firebug for Chrome: This Chrome extension blocks trackers and scripts. It also helps you manage another tracking on your Chrome browser. While you can comment out or uncheck advertisements and tracking, you will not see any other options. It’s free.
  • Ghostery: This Chrome extension blocks tracked links. I use this one for Chrome, and it works very well. Tor: This will also allow you to unblock material from following you as well as your uptick. Unblock also has a pleasingly strict definition of what it means that you are trying to escape tracking. If you block Tor, you will also tend to see more advertisements on Tor sites. It’s free.

How to Block Websites on Mac with Other Browsers

If you want to block websites on Mac, you can always use other browsers. For example, if you want to block websites on Safari, you can do so with the use of another browser like Google Chrome.

How to Block Websites on Mac Using the Terminal

There are many reasons why you might want to block websites on your Mac. For instance, if you're a student, then it's probably a good idea to block access to Facebook and YouTube, so you can focus on your work. Another reason might be if you have personal interests in particular websites such as CNN or NBC News. Making sure your system is up-to-date with the latest security software helps you to stay safe online. If you partook in the above action, you have to look forward to the upcoming launches of the newest anti-malware and anti-virus software for the Mac. Also, everyone has his or her own reasons why they do not want specific websites to interfere with their workflow. For you and me, this might be a good reason. Installation of these software licenses is done from within your Apple iPhone or iPad settings. The applications are categorized into three categories. They are:

  • Monitor 'offers a simpler approach by blocking web content that is proven to interfere with the user’s work,' according to Apple.
  • 'Security' is installing third-party security and anti-malware tools for Mac that provide the same level of protection as the anti-virus programs offered by Apple.
  • Last but not the least, is disconnecting access to websites to block everyone from accessing websites specifically designed to steal your accounts and personal data.

How to Block Websites on Your Mac with Parental Controls

Older versions of the macOS had a separate Parental Controls pane in System Preferences. Nowadays, it is concealed in the Screen Time section.' However, they are still the same. You can either give access to all websites, obstruct ‘adult’ sites, or only allow access to determined sites. There’s no way to obstruct specific sites. Here’s how to block access.

Click on the Apple menu and choose System Preferences.

  1. Access Parental Controls.
  2. From the dropdown menu at the top left of the window, select the user account that you want the controls to apply (only Standard accounts will appear, so if you can’t see the account you want, go to Users & Groups and substitute its account type to Standard).
  3. Select Content & Privacy and then press Turn On.
  4. Choose Content and then from the options under Web Content. 

If you prefer to allow access to only specified sites, you will need to paste or type in the URLs of those sites. Close System Preferences.
