Threat Database Ransomware LIVE TEAM Ransomware

LIVE TEAM Ransomware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 21,194
Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: January 11, 2024
Last Seen: January 11, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

During the analysis of potential malware threats, cybersecurity professionals encountered a new type of ransomware named LIVE TEAM. Similar to other ransomware variations, LIVE TEAM operates by encrypting files, altering the filenames of the encrypted files, and presenting a ransom note. Specifically, it appends the '.LIVE' extension to the original filenames and deposits a file named 'FILE RECOVERY_ID_[VICTIM_ID].txt.' As an illustrative example, a file initially named '1.doc' would be transformed into '1.doc.LIVE,' and '2.jpg' would become '2.jpg.LIVE,' and so forth.

The LIVE TEAM Ransomware Seeks to Extort Victims by Taking Data Hostage

The ransom note associated with the LIVE TEAM Ransomware issues a warning to victims, informing them that their files have undergone encryption, rendering them inaccessible. The note implies that the attacker possesses a backup of the victim's data and threatens to publicly disclose it if the situation is not resolved within a seven-day timeframe.

Victims are cautioned against attempting independent changes or restoration of the encrypted files, with the note asserting that such actions would lead to irreversible destruction. To demonstrate their capability to restore the data, the attackers offer a complimentary test decryption for files smaller than 3MB.

To initiate the file recovery process, victims are directed to establish contact with the extortionists via email. They are required to provide the file name of the encrypted document, along with a unique recovery ID. The attackers pledge to disclose the ransom amount and furnish the decryption tool upon receipt of payment.

The contact information is supplied through email addresses and Additionally, a veiled threat is issued, warning that a refusal to pay will result in sustained cyber attacks, and the victim's sensitive data will be exposed on the internet.

It is emphasized that attempting data recovery without involving cybercriminals is generally unfeasible, as the specific threat in question possesses notable vulnerabilities. Paying ransoms is strongly discouraged, as there is nothing that can guarantee that the attackers will fulfill their promise to assist in decrypting the files.

Prevention Is the Best Strategy Against Malware Threats

Prevention is considered the best strategy against malware threats for several crucial reasons:

  • Protects Data Integrity and Confidentiality: Prevention measures, such as robust cybersecurity practices, help safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data. Malware attacks often aim to compromise and exploit data for various malicious purposes. By preventing such attacks, organizations can maintain the confidentiality and reliability of their information.
  •  Minimizes Potential Damage: Malware can cause extensive damage to systems, networks, and data. Prevention measures, such as firewalls, anti-malware software, and standard software updates, can significantly reduce the likelihood of malware infiltration. This minimizes the potential damage that malware can inflict on an organization's infrastructure.
  •  Preserves System Performance: Malware infections can severely impact the performance of computer systems and networks. Prevention helps maintain optimal system performance by avoiding the resource-intensive processes and disruptions caused by malware. This ensures that systems operate efficiently without slowdowns or disruptions.
  •  Reduces Financial Losses: Recovering from a malware attack can be a costly endeavor. Prevention is a cost-effective approach that helps organizations prevent financial losses associated with data breaches, system downtime, and the potential need for extensive recovery efforts. Investing in preventative measures is generally more economical than dealing with the aftermath of a successful malware attack.
  •  Safeguards Reputational Integrity: Malware incidents can tarnish an organization's reputation, eroding trust among customers, clients, and stakeholders. By preventing malware attacks, organizations can uphold their reputational integrity and maintain the confidence of their user base. A strong cybersecurity posture signals a commitment to security and responsible data management.
  •  Ensures Business Continuity: Malware attacks can disrupt normal business operations, leading to downtime and productivity losses. Prevention measures contribute to business continuity by avoiding these disruptions. This is particularly important for critical services and industries where uninterrupted operations are essential.
  •  Adapt to Evolving Threats: Malware threats are constantly evolving, with new variants emerging regularly. Prevention strategies, such as keeping software up-to-date, employing advanced threat detection technologies, and educating users on security best practices, enable organizations to adapt to these evolving threats proactively.

In summary, prioritizing prevention as the primary strategy against malware threats is a proactive and comprehensive approach. It not only protects against immediate risks but also establishes a resilient foundation for maintaining a secure and functional digital environment over the long term.

The ransom note dropped to devices compromised by the LIVE TEAM Ransomware reads:


Your file has been encrypted and cannot be used
When you see this letter, your privacy data has been backed up by us. If you do not handle it, we will publish your privacy data after the 7th.

Don't try to change or restore the file yourself, which will destroy them
If necessary, you can decrypt a test file for free. Free test decryption is only available for files less than 3MB in size.

To restore files, you need a decryption tool. Please contact us by email.
Please add the file name of this document to the email and send it to me.
I will tell you the amount you need to pay. After the payment is completed, we will make the decryption tool and send it to you.

Customer service mailbox:
Spare mailbox: (use this mailbox after no reply in 24 hours)

You can also contact us through intermediary agencies (such as data recovery companies)

If you refuse to pay, you will be attacked constantly. Your privacy -sensitive data will also be announced on Internet.

!! We are a team that pays attention to credibility, so you can pay safely and restore data.


SpyHunter Detects & Remove LIVE TEAM Ransomware

File System Details

LIVE TEAM Ransomware may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. file.exe 5f1977ff2e710323036df5bf5fd7df2b 1


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