Threat Database Ransomware LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

The LockBit 4.0, identified as a novel ransomware threat, has been meticulously crafted to encrypt data residing on compromised devices, rendering it inaccessible and unusable. Subsequently, the threat actors behind this malware leverage their control over the encrypted files to extort monetary payments from affected individuals or organizations, holding the promise of potential file restoration in return.

During the encryption process, the LockBit 4.0 appends a distinctive '.xa1Xx3AXs' extension to the original names of the targeted files. For instance, a file originally named '1.png' becomes '1.png.xa1Xx3AXs,' and '2.doc' transforms into '2.doc.xa1Xx3AXs.' Furthermore, following the encryption, a ransom note named 'xa1Xx3AXs.README.txt' is generated on the compromised system, containing the ransom instructions of the cybercriminals.

Notably, the LockBit 4.0 is a variant of the LockBit Ransomware lineage. This specific version was uncovered in February 2024, following the arrest of two LockBit operators by law enforcement agencies in the same month. Intriguingly, within five days of the breach of their operation and arrests, the threat actors issued a statement announcing their intent to undergo a restructuring process while expressing their determination to persist under the same notorious name.

The LockBit 4.0 Ransomware Demands Ransom Payments in Bitcoin

The ransom note associated with the LockBit 4.0 Ransomware explicitly informs the victim that their company has fallen prey to a cyberattack. In this sophisticated ransomware strategy, the malware also exfiltrates sensitive data, employing a purported double-extortion tactic. The victim is then notified to pay a ransom amounting to 1000 USD in Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Upon compliance with the ransom demand, the attackers assure the victim that they will provide decryption tools and deletion the harvested data. Conversely, a refusal to pay is accompanied by a warning that the company will become a recurring target for further attacks. Additionally, victims are cautioned against altering or deleting the affected files, as such actions may lead to irreversible data loss.

In the realm of ransomware threats, the decryption process typically necessitates the involvement of cybercriminals. The rare instances where decryption is feasible are only possible if the specific malware has severe flaws in its programming. However, in numerous cases, victims do not receive the essential keys or tools for decrypting their data even after meeting ransom demands. This uncertainty surrounding file recovery, coupled with the ethical concerns of supporting illegal activities through payment, prompts cybersecurity experts to discourage meeting the ransom demands strongly.

To thwart the continued encryption of additional files by ransomware, the threatening software must be eliminated from the operating system. Unfortunately, it's crucial to note that the removal of the ransomware itself does not automatically restore data that has already been encrypted.

Essential Anti-Malware Measures That Should Be Implemented on All Devices

As our reliance on digital devices continues to grow, the threat of malware poses a constant risk to the security of personal and organizational data. Implementing effective anti-malware measures is crucial to safeguarding devices and preserving the integrity of information. Here are five essential measures that should be prioritized on all devices to fortify against harmful attacks.

Install and Update Anti-malware Software: One of the foundational defenses against malware is the installation of reputable anti-malware software. This application is designed to detect, quarantine, and eliminate bad code. Regularly updating databases ensures that the software can recognize and combat the latest threats, providing a robust first line of defense.

Enable Automatic System Updates: Operating systems and software developers continually release updates to address vulnerabilities and enhance security. Enabling automatic updates on all devices ensures that the latest patches are applied promptly. This proactive approach helps to close potential entry points for malware and bolster overall system resilience.

Implement Your Firewalls: Firewalls act as a barrier between devices and the vast expanse of the internet. Configuring firewalls to monitor and control network traffic adds an additional layer of protection. By regulating both incoming and outgoing data, firewalls help prevent unauthorized access and thwart potential malware infiltration.

Educate and Promote Safe Online Practices: Human behavior has a pivotal role in the battle against malware. Elucidating users about the risks associated with accessing expected links, downloading files from untrusted sources, and recognizing phishing attempts is paramount. Promoting safe online practices empowers users to avoid common pitfalls that may lead to malware infections.

Regular Data Backups: Mitigating the impact of a malware attack involves a robust data backup strategy. Regularly backing up critical information to external or cloud-based storage ensures that, in the event of a successful malware incursion, data can be restored without succumbing to ransom demands. This measure provides a crucial safety net for preserving essential information.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, adopting a comprehensive anti-malware strategy is imperative. By integrating these five essential measures—installing and updating security software, enabling automatic system updates, implementing firewalls, educating users on safe online practices, and maintaining regular data backups—devices can be fortified against the pervasive menace of malware. These proactive steps collectively contribute to a more secure digital environment, safeguarding personal and organizational data from hurtful compromise.

The ransom note generated by the LockBit 4.0 Ransomware is as follows:

' LockBit 4.0 Ransomware since 2024

Your data are stolen and encrypted

Price = 1000 $
Bitcoin = 328N9mKT6xFe6uTvtpxeKSymgWCbbTGbK2
Email =

What guarantees that we will not deceive you?

We are not a politically motivated group and we do not need anything other than your money.

If you pay, we will provide you the programs for decryption and we will delete your data.
Life is too short to be sad. Be not sad, money, it is only paper.

If we do not give you decrypters, or we do not delete your data after payment, then nobody will pay us in the future.
Therefore to us our reputation is very important. We attack the companies worldwide and there is no dissatisfied victim after payment.

Your personal DECRYPTION ID: -

Warning! Do not DELETE or MODIFY any files, it can lead to recovery problems!

Warning! If you do not pay the ransom we will attack your company repeatedly again!'


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