Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1
First Seen: January 15, 2024
Last Seen: January 16, 2024

During an investigation, it has been revealed that engages in the dissemination of deceptive messages and other content, often soliciting permission to display notifications. Typically, users come across sites like inadvertently. It is highly advised to use extra caution and refrain from visiting such pages, as well as decline any requests to enable notifications from them.

Rogue Sites Like Utilize Various Deceptive Tactics

Initially, initiates a simulated system scan, culminating in the presentation of a fictitious warning. This false alert alleges that the user's computer is infected with five viruses and asserts that their security subscription has expired. To heighten the sense of urgency, the deceptive message urges users to renew their subscriptions to safeguard their computers promptly.

Employing scare tactics, the warning implies potential data theft by suggesting that the viruses are actively tracking internet activity to harvest sensitive information. By manipulating statistics, the message falsely claims that computers lacking protection are 93% more vulnerable to malware, intensifying the perceived threat.

The operators behind employs a deceptive strategy aimed at earning commissions through affiliate marketing programs. Upon clicking the provided button, users are directed to an affiliate link. If users proceed to make purchases through this link, the operators of can earn commissions for each successful transaction.

In addition to disseminating misleading content, seeks permission to display notifications. These notifications declare that a computer may be in jeopardy and prompt users to initiate system scans. They may also contain other fraudulent and deceptive messages. Interacting with these notifications can lead users to dubious and potentially malicious websites. It is highly advised to make use of caution and refrain from engaging with such deceptive tactics.

Do not Trust Websites Claiming to Have Detected Malware Threats

Websites typically lack the capability to perform malware scans directly on users' devices due to various technical and security constraints. Here are some key reasons:

Browser Sandbox Environment: Modern Web browsers operate within a sandbox environment, restricting their access to the underlying operating system and the user's file system. This limitation is intentional to prevent websites from having direct control or deep access to the user's device.

Security and Privacy Concerns: Granting a website the ability to conduct a comprehensive malware scan on a user's device would pose significant security and privacy risks. It could potentially expose sensitive information and compromise user privacy, leading to unauthorized access or misuse of data.

Resource Limitations: Performing a thorough malware scan requires significant computing resources, including access to system-level processes and files. Web browsers are designed to prioritize user experience and efficiency, and allowing websites to consume such resources could lead to performance issues and potential abuse.

User Consent and Permissions: Conducting a malware scan involves accessing sensitive areas of the device, and doing so without explicit user consent would be a violation of privacy and security principles. Web browsers and operating systems prioritize user control over their devices, requiring explicit permissions for actions that could impact system integrity.

Diverse Operating Systems: Different users access websites from various operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.), each with its own architecture and security mechanisms. Creating a universal malware scanning tool that can effectively operate across all these diverse systems is a complex challenge.

While websites cannot directly perform malware scans on users' devices, users are encouraged to rely on reputable antivirus and anti-malware software installed on their devices. These specialized programs have the necessary permissions and capabilities to scan and detect potential threats, providing a more comprehensive and secure approach to device protection.

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