Threat Database Ransomware Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware

Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware

A new strain of ransomware has been identified recently. Dubbed the Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware, this threatening software encrypts files on victims' computers and demands a ransom for decryption. What sets this ransomware apart is its unique behavior and specific characteristics that have alarmed security experts worldwide.

File Encryption and Extension

The Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware operates by encrypting files on the infected system and appending a distinct file extension to them. Victims have reported that the encrypted files now carry the extension '.shadow' or in some cases, '.Shadow.Shadow'. This alteration makes the affected files inaccessible and underscores the ransomware's presence.

Following the encryption process, the ransomware drops a ransom note named 'readme.txt' on the desktop of the infected machine. What's notable about this ransom note is its multilingual approach. The note is written in both English and Turkish, indicating the potentially broad target scope of this malware. This tactic suggests that the attackers behind the Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware are targeting a diverse range of users.

The ransom note instructs victims on what they need to do to pay the ransom and regain access to their encrypted files. It provides contact details for communication, explicitly listing two email addresses: and These email addresses are meant to be the primary means for victims to establish contact with the perpetrators and negotiate the terms of ransom payment.

Implications and Recommendations

The emergence of the Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware underscores the ongoing threat posed by cybercriminals who leverage encryption tactics for financial gain. The outcome for individuals and businesses can be severe, leading to data loss, operational disruption, and potential economic consequences.

To minimize the chances of falling victim to ransomware attacks like Shadow (Ran_jr_som), individuals and organizations are advised to adopt robust cybersecurity practices:

  • Backup Regularly: Maintain secure backups of essential data offline or on protected servers. Systematic backups can mitigate the impact of data encryption in case of an attack.
  • Keep Software Updated: Ensure that operating systems and software applications are updated by applying the newest security patches. Vulnerabilities in outwom software can be exploited by ransomware.
  • Be Cautious Online: Avoid accessing suspicious links or downloading files from unknown sources. Ransomware often spreads through phishing emails and compromised websites.
  • Implement Security Solutions: Deploy reputable anti-malware software to detect and block ransomware threats before they can execute.
  • Educate Users: Educate employees and individuals about the risks of ransomware and best practices for cybersecurity hygiene, such as recognizing phishing attempts.

The Shadow (Ran_jr_som) Ransomware represents a concerning development in the realm of cybersecurity. Its distinct file encryption behavior, multilingual ransom note, and targeted approach highlight the evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals. By staying vigilant, implementing robust security measures, and raising awareness, individuals and organizations can better protect themselves against ransomware threats like Shadow (Ran_jr_som) and minimize the impact of potential attacks.

The Shadow Ransomware displays a ransom note with the following content:

All files on your computer have been seized. All your files have been encrypted and become inaccessible. You must contact us to recover your files.

Payment Method: Bitcoin
Wallet Address: It will be sent via e-mail and the sent wallet number will be active for 60 minutes. The second wallet number will not be sent.

Please note that if you do not pay before the expiration date, your files will be permanently deleted. For any questions or further information you can contact us at the following email address:

Duration: 72 hours
Refund amount: $1000 (#Thousand$#)

If you do not receive a response within more than 6 hours, please check your spam folder or write to another e-mail address below.

There is no alternative solution to recover your files before paying. After sending the specified amount to the specified Bitcoin address, you will receive a decryption program for your files via email.

- How will I trust you?
+ Send us an encrypted junk file to and we will send it to you decrypted. This process will be done to prove that your files can be decrypted. The file you send must be junk, otherwise we will not decrypt your password.

Personel ID: -

Bilgisayarınızdaki tüm dosyalara el konuldu.Tüm dosyalarınız şifrelendi ve erişilemez hale geldi.Dosyalarınızı kurtarmak için bizimle iletişime geçmelisiniz.

Ödeme Yöntemi: Bitcoin
Cüzdan Adresi: E - posta yoluyla gönderilecek ve gönderilen cüzdan numarası 60 dakika boyunca aktif olacaktır. İkinci cüzdan numarası gönderilmeyecektir.

Son kullanma tarihinden önce ödeme yapmazsanız dosyalarınızın kalıcı olarak silineceğini lütfen unutmayın. Herhangi bir sorunuz veya daha fazla bilgi için aşağıdaki e-posta adresinden bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz:

E - posta:
Süre: 72 saat
Geri ödeme tutarı: 1000 $ (#Bin$#)

6 saatten daha uzun bir süre içinde yanıt alamazsanız lütfen spam klasörünüzü kontrol edin veya aşağıdaki başka mail adresine yazın.

Ödeme yapmadan önce dosyalarınızı kurtarmanın alternatif bir çözümü yoktur. Belirtilen miktarı belirtilen Bitcoin adresine gönderdikten sonra, e-posta yoluyla dosyalarınız için bir şifre çözme programı alacaksınız.

- Sana nasıl güveneceğim?
+'a şifreli bir önemsiz dosya gönderin, biz de size şifresi çözülmüş olarak gönderelim. Bu işlem dosyalarınızın şifresinin çözülebileceğini kanıtlamak için yapılacaktır. Göndereceğiniz dosya önemsiz olmalıdır, aksi takdirde şifrenizin şifresini çözemeyiz.

Personel ID: -'


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