Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs SusScrofa Browser Extension

SusScrofa Browser Extension

Upon thorough analysis of the SusScrofa browser extension, information security experts have determined that it constitutes an unreliable program distributed through an unsafe installer. This extension exhibits intrusive capabilities, including the activation of the 'Managed by your organization' feature in browsers, such as Chrome and Edge. Additionally, SusScrofa is capable of reading and modifying data on visited Web pages, as well as managing themes and other installed extensions within the browser environment. These functionalities raise concerns about the extension's trustworthiness, as it engages in actions that could compromise user privacy, alter browsing experiences and potentially introduce security vulnerabilities.

SusScrofa Could Expose Users to Additional Privacy Risks

SusScrofa demonstrates the concerning capability to activate the 'Managed by your organization' feature in widely used browsers like Chrome and Edge. While this feature is typically employed by legitimate organizations for security or administrative purposes, its activation by a rogue and intrusive extension raises apprehensions about unauthorized control over the user's browser settings. This unauthorized control could result in modifications to critical settings such as security preferences, homepage configurations, and other parameters, thereby undermining the user's ability to maintain control over their browser environment.

Furthermore, the extension's capacity to read and alter data on visited pages presents a substantial privacy and security risk. This functionality exposes users to the potential interception of sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details. SusScrofa may exploit this capability to manipulate content or engage in other malicious activities without the user's knowledge or consent, posing a significant threat to user data and privacy.

In addition, SusScrofa's ability to manage themes and extensions within a browser introduces potential disruptions to the user's browsing experience. This capability could result in alterations to the browser's appearance, the injection of unwanted applications, the removal of existing extensions, or conflicts with other installed extensions. These potential consequences collectively contribute to a compromised and less secure browsing environment for users who have the SusScrofa extension installed. Vigilance and consideration for removing or avoiding this extension are crucial in safeguarding the integrity of one's browser settings and overall online security.

Installation Vectors Exploited by PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Intrusive Applications

SusScrofa's distribution involves multiple channels, primarily through an unsafe installer that users might unwittingly download from untrustworthy websites. Another avenue for the installation of this dubious application is facilitated by misleading advertisements and pop-ups on unreliable websites. Users may encounter these deceptive elements and inadvertently trigger the download and installation of SusScrofa. Additionally, engaging in downloads from Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, third-party stores, or free file hosting sites can also expose users to the risk of unwanted installations.

A prevalent method employed by PUPs involves deceptive software bundling. In this scenario, an application installer comes bundled with additional software, often unwanted, which users may unknowingly agree to install. Users might hastily click through installation prompts without thoroughly reviewing the terms and conditions or scrutinizing the bundled software options. Consequently, they inadvertently consent to the installation of SusScrofa alongside the desired software, highlighting the importance of exercising caution during the installation process to prevent unintentional downloads of dubious applications.


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