Virus Sweeper

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 15,669
Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 11
First Seen: July 24, 2009
Last Seen: May 6, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Virus Sweeper Image

Virus Sweeper is a fake anti-virus program, also known as a rogue. Malware researchers have identified Virus Sweeper as a possible update of the widespread rogue anti-virus Virus Doctor. Other clones of Virus Sweeper include Antivirus 2009, Power Antivirus 2009, Vista Antivirus 2009 and AntiVir64. Rogueware like Virus Sweeper are programs designed superficially to look like real anti-virus programs. In fact, there is little more to Virus Sweeper than Virus Sweeper's interface. Virus Sweeper's only other functional elements are Virus Sweeper's credit card information entry form, and a collection of Trojans and malicious scripts designed to cause problems deliberately on a computer system. The makers of Virus Sweeper created this program as a way to blackmail computer users into disclosing their credit card information. Don't fall for this scam. Malware researchers recommend that Virus Sweeper should be removed immediately with a legitimate security program and that everything Virus Sweeper claims should be ignored. If you have trouble removing Virus Sweeper, starting up Windows in Safe Mode is a good way of stopping Virus Sweeper from launching during start-up.

How Virus Sweeper Enters Your Computer

Virus Sweeper typically enters a computer system in one of two possible ways: either the computer user downloaded Virus Sweeper, thinking that it was a real anti-virus program or Virus Sweeper was installed through a Trojan. There are several Trojans associated with Virus Sweeper, mainly the Zlob Trojan and the Fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert Trojan. Both of these detect fake problems on the infected computer and then, pretending to be a part of Windows' native security software, prompt the computer user to download programs like Virus Sweeper. The best way to prevent a Trojan infection is by being smart while browsing. If you follow the guidelines below, the probabilities of being infected by a Trojan will be greatly reduced:

  1. Always monitor your browsing with a legitimate anti-malware scanner. Also, make sure to run regular scans of your computer system and to use your anti-virus program to inspect any external storage devices before connecting them to your computer.
  2. Avoid websites that are generally considered unsafe. These include adult video websites and file sharing networks. If you must visit these kinds of websites regularly, disable Flash and JavaScript to avoid a Trojan attack.
  3. PC security experts strongly recommend that you avoid clicking on unknown links, downloading files from unknown sources or open files or attachments that are not from a known origin. Most importantly, avoid free online malware scans and suspicious-looking advertisements.


SpyHunter Detects & Remove Virus Sweeper

File System Details

Virus Sweeper may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. 9836304e8230c666cdc3268ba48e795fdd81586208f0833e8b13bcea94ac6f19 5ea57aa3af9b1934465ae88bfcf3fa28 3
2. ActivatedSetupReleaseXP[1].exe 74b5a1cf14568c87dd50adb5ff6fd554 0
3. VSweep.exe 6c4366434fba4da92ed66e21cf81c08b 0
4. VSweep.exe, ReleaseXP[1].exe fb78d782b1cbf734530df68af06827b4 0


Virus Sweeper may create the following directory or directories:

%AppData%\Virus Sweeper


The following cookies were found:


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